Dream Log B

7/20/2024 last night I had a dream. This dream was different than most. I saw the pattern again, clear as day. that spinning, always changing, green and black pattern. Squares, lines, and diamonds danced about in the center of my vision. I see it sometimes in the day when I close my eyes, but as I've gotten older, it fades more and more. The closer I get to drawing it, the more it fades in my mind, but, last night was vivid, more clear than ever it's been. I was in a castle, a place I'd never seen. There were threats of things that wished to harm me, but I was too quick for them. I came across a pool in the top of one of the towers. I looked around, and the skies were darkened by great, onyx clouds, and lit only by violet auroras which came from within the clouds, and the occasional arcs of lightning. I heard the thunder in the distance, muffled as if the clouds were soundproofing foam. Behind me I still heard the growls and gnashing of whatever fiend wished to dig its monstrous claws into my flesh, so I dove right into the waters, and was met with black and a total darkening of my vision, that was when it came to me and took over my whole line of sight: that clean and green circuital shape with crisp cut lines of black, dancing on a canvas of void which to nothing I can relate, for even stars dot the cosmos, and the slightest bit of light can pass through the eyelids. I felt as though I were falling from a great height. Then I resurfaced again in a place which ne'er before I had seen, yet it felt so familiar, and eerily similar to a place called "Wings and Waves". Around were people, or at least, sounds of a crowd, echoing everywhere about me. I saw a few innertubes, and some toys for a pool, but no people were there in my sight. I knew they were there, yet my eyes, they were deceitful, for in a dream, the mind can interpret. I climbed to a beacon and went down a slide, and as I hit the waters, I abruptly awoke, shaking. I felt my muscles twitch as I tried to make sense of what had occurred, as I then lied awake in my bed.